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The founding meeting of the Committee of the Civil and Architectural Society of Henan Province of the Communist Party of China and the special Party lesson on Party history learning and education were successfully held

Release time: 2021-05-31来源:


On the afternoon of May 29, the founding meeting of the Committee of the Henan Civil and Architectural Society of the Communist Party of China and the special Party class on Party history learning and education were successfully held in Zhengzhou。Wang Zhaodong, chairman of the Association and Secretary of the Party Committee of Henan Civil Engineering and Architecture Society of the Communist Party of China, attended the meeting and delivered a speech。Deng Hongjun, member of the Party Group and Vice Chairman of the Provincial Association for Science and Technology, Liu Junfeng, member of the Committee of Henan Province Science and Technology Association of the Communist Party of China, Fan Xiaowei, Xie Wei, Hu Xinpeng, An Jie, Guo Jianqun, Wang Yonghao, Wang Aiju and other directors of the association, members of the branch and party members represented more than 150 people attended the conference。

The founding meeting opened in the solemn national anthem序幕

会上,Liu Junfeng, member of the Henan Province Science and Technology Association Committee, read the "Reply of the Henan Province Science and Technology Association Committee on the establishment of the Party Committee",Agreed to set up the committee of Henan Civil Engineering and Architecture Society,Comrade Wang Zhaodong was appointed member and Secretary of the Party Committee,Wang Aiju is a member and deputy secretary of the Party Committee,Xie Wei, An Jie, Hu Xinpeng, Li Hongxia and Dong Yunxia were appointed members of the Party Committee。Wang Aiju, secretary general of the Society, made a report on the preparatory work for the establishment of the Committee of Henan Civil Engineering and Architecture Society of the Communist Party of China to the General Assembly, and introduced the relevant preparatory work for the establishment of the committee of the society。

Subsequently, Deng, chairman of the Provincial Science and Technology Association, and Wang, chairman of the society, jointly unveiled the committee of the Henan Civil and Architectural Society of the Communist Party of China。In the warm applause, the committee of Henan Civil and Architectural Society of the Communist Party of China was officially established。

In his concluding speech, Chairman Wang Zhaodong pointed out that on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party, the establishment of the Committee of the Society is a major breakthrough in deepening the reform of the society, and will have a significant and profound impact on the construction and development of the society。He stressed:In the future, the Party will comprehensively strengthen the political leadership of the institute, "learn Party history, understand ideology, do practical things, and open new bureaus", and strengthen the political guidance for scientific and technological workers。He requested:学会委员会要高举习近平新时代中国特色The great banner of socialist thought, build consensus, overcome difficulties, and fully promote the party building work of the society to a new level, so that the committee of the society can effectively become the "red house" of scientific and technological workers.。

The second stage of the congress held a special Party lesson on Party history learning and education with the theme of "knowing the history of the Party and feeling the kindness of the Party to follow the Party"。Professor Tian Xianchen, director of the Philosophy Teaching and Research Department of the Party School of Henan Provincial Party Committee, made a rich, wonderful and vivid lecture report on the theme of "Learning the Century-old Party History to Draw striving Force",For everyone to better learn and understand the general secretary's important discussion on the study and education of Party history,To organize the study and education of Party history,Did an important coaching and good mobilization。

Subsequently, learnVice President Anjie read 2020Star branch of the society,Outstanding academic activities and "Excellent member, excellent worker" commendation documents,Double catchCongratulations from the awarding organizations and individuals。

The conference added an online live broadcast system, and online participants totaled more than 1,300 people。

Before the establishment of the conference, the society also held the eighth fifth of the Henan Civil Architecture SocietyThe second chairman meeting and the third Executive Council will discuss the party building work of the society, and study and deliberate important work matters of the society。

About Henan Civil Architecture Society

Henan Civil Architecture Society is a provincial, public welfare, professional and non-profit scientific and technological academic social organization voluntarily established by scientific and technological workers in the field of civil construction and relevant units in Henan province, approved by the provincial Civil Affairs Department and registered,Have independent legal personality;The competent unit shall be Science and Technology Association of Henan Province,Accept the supervision and administration of the provincial Civil Affairs Department,In business, we accept the guidance of China Civil Engineering Society, China Architectural Society and Henan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development。

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